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Messages of the Archetypes Book

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The following is a list of articles relating to integrative medicine. To view the article, click on the title below:

Moorish Chief A Holistic Guide to Imagining the Heroes Within
Beginnings, Magazine of the American Holistic Nurses Association, October, 2024


Toni Gilbert

A Case of the Hiccups

Beginnings, Magazine of the American Holistic Nurses Association, April 2022

Archetypes Nursing Experience Archetypes in the Nursing Experience
Beginnings, Magazine of the American Holistic Nurses Association, December 2020

Two major archetypes in the nursing experience are identified using images from a Tarot deck. Attention to archetypes is prevalent in the literature of psychology, and nursing draws some theory from that literature.

The Everlasting Archetypes The Everlasting Archetypes
Beginnings, Magazine of the American Holistic Nurses Association, August 2018

Toni shares several important universal archetypes that inspire us to stay connected with nature and to bridge ancient origins to contemporary times. No matter who we are now, we are all people of the earth, connected to one another by our common humanity.


Cartomancer - Wellness Counseling with Tarot Wellness Counseling with Tarot
The Cartomancer: November 2017

Toni explores contemporary techniques for the use of Tarot images in wellness counseling. She writes about the difference between reading the cards and using them in counseling to produce insights from the client.

Symbolic Living: Understanding Soul Through Tarot and Dream Imagery
The Cartomancer: Quarterly Tarot, Lemormand & Oracle Journal, Issue I

Toni writes about how research and experimentation has shown that working with Tarot cards give us similar archetypal information as our nighttime dreams. Both Tarot art images and dreams help the questioner contact the unconscious mind with its unrecognized emotions and subtle sensations.

Attune Magazine ImageNorthwest Astrology & Tarot Salon at Breitenbush
Attune Magazine, May 2014

The natural environment at Breitenbush gives salon participants a Nature's healing type of experience that is best observed with mindfulness and a relaxed attitude.


Cabin Northwest Astrology & Tarot Salon 2014
American Tarot Association, Spring 2014

“This Salon combines the healing virtues of a pristine natural setting with the subtly transformative imagery and ideas represented in Tarot and Astrology. Those who join us in this 'time out of time' will have a chance to relax their minds, contact their feelings and senses, and possibly even have a direct encounter with the intuition. The variety of presenters and participants allows everybody to have a range of exposures according to their own self-directed course. Bring your birth chart, your favorite Tarots, and your journal, and let the magical energies of Breitenbush Hot Springs do the rest.” Christine Payne Towler

Forest Immersion ExperienceForest Immersion Experience: Mother Nature Promotes Introspection and Healing
Beginnings, magazine of the American Holistic Nurses Association, Summer 2013

Lynn Keegan, PhD, RN and Toni team up to write about the current research and their experiences in the natural world of rhythms, patterns, and silence; a place where cares evaporate and are replaced with a sense of oneness with all of Nature.

Grandmother Moon

Beginnings, magazine of the American Holistic Nurses Association Spring 2013

Toni shares an evening of self-care techniques using Nature, inner imagery
and a bath.

San Francisco Bay Area Tarot Symposium: An Intuitive Art Comes of Age

Perspective, magazine The Associations Humanistic & Transpersonal Psychology October/November 2012

Toni GilbertToni writes about the maturation of Tarot as an intuitive art that is used to move toward a more transpersonal vision in mental, physical, and spiritual health.

Astrology, Tarot, and Maslow: Using the Esoteric Arts for Self-Development

Perspective, magazine The Associations Humanistic & Transpersonal Psychology June/July 2011

Perspective MagazineUsing the Payne-Towler New Moon Tarotology system, Maslow's pyramid and Toni's evaluation method for the archetypes in Counseling,Toni demonstrates the use of these esoteric tools together with an intuitive interpretive process to get an idea of how to use the archetypal energies that are available at any given time frame.
(see page 6)

Toni Gilbert
Archetypal Symbols as Therapeutic Tools

Beginnings, magazine of the American Holistic Nurses Association Vol 28 No. 3 Summer 2008

Toni demonstrates the validity of using Tarot cards in therapeutic counseling.

Reprinted in Tarosophist International Winter, 2010 Vol 1 Issue 9


Consciousness and Healing Energy
Alternative Journal of Nursing March 2008, Issue 16

Toni writes about the effects of healing rituals and how they set the stage to ready our conscious minds to call upon the archetypal energies to help promote our well-being.


Letting Go
American Holistic Nurses Association website stress management/articles 2008

Since spirituality means different things to each of us, several forms of spirituality is reviewed.


Raising Grandchildren
Beginnings, Magazine of the American Holistic Nurses Association
Winter Vol. 29 No. 2008

Toni briefly discusses how she copes with the responsibilities of being an active grandparent.

Inner Dancer
Beginnings, Magazine of the American Holistic Nurses Association
Spring Vol. 27 No. 2, 2007

Toni describes how prayer and inspirational inner imagery gave her information to aid a dying client. Ms. Gilbert trusted the creative process to unfold in its own way, facilitating an energetic spiritual healing.

Alternative Nursing Practice
Creating Inroads for Integrative Health Care

Perspective magazine for the Association for Humanistic & Transpersonal Psychology , December 2006-January 2007

With increasing client and professional interest in alternative and complementary care, registered nurses are incorporating alternative and complementary modalities into their practices outside the traditional health care setting.

Nurse Entrepreneurs: Tales of Nurses in Business
Book compiled by the National Nurses in Business Association, 2007

In chapter 12, entitled Alternative Nursing, Toni briefly describes her career path and the choices that lead to her alternative nursing practice.

Creating Inroads for Integrative Health Care
Beginnings, Newsletter of the American Holistic Nurses Association
Vol. 26 No. 4, 2006

Creative and pioneering nurses integrate alternative and complementary healing techniques into holistic nursing practices within and outside the mainstream workplace.

The Art and Magic of Tarot Counseling
Perspectives/ Association for Humanistic & Transpersonal Psychology
April/May 2006

Toni describes how to use the images on Tarot cards in wellness counseling. She helps a client get in touch with her own intuition and understand the expressive symbology in her body's symptoms.

Oregon Nurse Finds Niche in Internet Broadcasting
Perspectives/ Association for Humanistic & Transpersonal Psychology
Aug./Sept. 2005

Finding Your Writing Voice
Perspectives/ Association for Humanistic & Transpersonal Psychology
Aug./Sept. 2005

It's in the Cards: Adventures in Internet Broadcasting
Tarot Reflections/ American Tarot Association August, 2005

The Psychology of Astrology:
Part III Applying the Symbology of the Planets

Alternative Journal of Nursing Issue 8, July 2005

The Psychology of Astrology:
Part II A Mathematical and Symbolic Art

Alternative Journal of Nursing Issue 7, March 2005

The Psychology of Astrology:
Part I Astronomy and Astrology

Alternative Journal of Nursing Issue 6, Nov. 2004

Imagery that Empowers
Alternative Journal of Nursing Issue 3, Nov. 2003


Holistic Nursing: the Heart and Conscience of Nursing Practice
Alternative Journal of Nursing, August, 2003

As a holistic nurse with twenty years experience, I look back at my career. With an eye toward change in health care, I voice what I see with honesty and propose changes in the workplace and in nurse’s lives. As a practitioner of the healing arts, I give you a parable to demonstrate creativity in the art of holistic nursing.


Tarot Counseling
Alternative Journal of Nursing, April, 2003
American Tarot Association, Spring, 2003

I see clients in crisis due to illness, injury or difficult life situations and I have found the ancient system of Tarot cards to be a useful adjunctive tool. Upon viewing the artwork on the faces of the cards, clients begin to tap into an innate intuition that helps them raise their consciousness and achieve insights.


The Spiritual Art of Working With Dreams
Journal of Holistic Nursing, September, 2002

The concept and process of exploring dreams to provoke an understanding life’s issues, including illness and injury, can be included in holistic nursing practice. Dreams are known to hold information about spiritual realities, self-development, mythological archetypal themes, and the health of mind, and body. Dream research and contemporary techniques, for remembering and analyzing dreams, guide the nurse and clients in the work necessary to achieve health and wholeness through deeper understanding of the self through dreams.


Herbs for Prevention and Treatment of UTI
American Journal of Nursing, August, 2002

Despite the fact that the efficacy of many herbal remedies in the treatment and prevention of disease has not yet been demonstrated scientifically, herbal medicine continues to gain adherents among both consumers and health care providers, and some major insurance companies now cover the cost of herbs recommended by licensed health practitioners.


The Healing Art of Tarot
Alternatives for Cultual Creativity Magazine, Issue 22, Summer, 2002

This is chapter one of my book, Messages from the Archetypes:Using Tarot for Healing and Spiritual Growth. A Guidebook for Personal and Professional Use. It is to be published by White Cloud Press in the Fall of 2003.


Holism in the Classroom: A Transpersonal Approach
Alternatives for Cultural Creativity, Winter, 2000

The study of psychology can be a journey of self-discovery; a search for who you really are, the authentic self. Psychology helps you uncover your innate gifts, talents, and purpose in life and teaches communication skills so you can effectively and tolerantly relate to each other in a world of diversity and change.


The Healing Arts
Statesman Journal Newspaper, Total Health Insert, August 6, 2000

The healing arts, like all art forms, involve a creative process. The artist-healer is sensitively aware, improvising as the situation unfolds. Artist-healers have developed the uncanny capacity to pursue an inner knowing---an intuition---which guides them to do what will be most beneficial. They focus their skills, training and techniques with intent to facilitate healing. Artist-healers do what they do…and trust the process to unfold as it needs to and in its own time.


Eating Right Diet Could Prevent Close to One Third of All Cancer Deaths
Statesman Journal Newspaper, Total Health Insert, August 6, 2000

Timely information about how you, through simple modification of your diet, can drastically decrease your risk for certain types of cancer.


Imagery In Healing
"Beginnings" Newsletter of the American Holistic Nurses Association, July/August 2000

What is imagery? It is a way that your mind stores, codes and expresses information. Imagery consists of thoughts that you can smell, hear, see and taste. It is an inner representation of your experience (or your fantasy). Imagery manifests as your dreams, daydreams, memories, plans or possibilities, and projections. It has been called the language of the arts, emotions, and the deeper self.


Imagery: Using The Mind's Eye in Healing
Statesman Journal Newspaper, Salem, OR May 7, 2000

Guided imagery is a natural therapy. A therapist uses a hypnotic induction to place the client’s mind in a state of relaxation. The therapist then verbally guides the client to access the unconscious mind for valuable information and insights on the nature of an illness. This information can then be used to assist in the client’s healing.


What about Herbs?
"Beginnings" Newsletter of the American Holistic Nurses Association, April/March 2000

Many holistic nurses have private practices in complementary modalities such as energy work, imagery, and aromatherapy. Because nurses are generally associated with allopathic medicine, clients often assume that they know about using herbal medicinal products as an alternative to prescription “drugs.”


Considering Alternative and Complementary Therapies
Statesman Journal Newspaper, Wellness Insert, February 20, 2000

While traditional medicine shines in many areas---and is unparalleled in the world with treatment of acute infectious diseases, surgical procedures, understanding the mechanisms of chronic disease---it is not fully holistic.


Imagery of the MindBodySpirit
Alternatives for Creative Culture Magazine, Summer, 1998

There are many paths and practices that lead to higher self-knowledge. Imagery is one of them.


Therapeutic Touch
Jefferson Review Newspaper, June 11, 1998

Improving the body's ability to heal through the use of touch.

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