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Transpersonal Counseling Book Images of Our Time Nurse Sparks Gaining Archetypal Vision Book
Messages of the Archetypes Book

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Archetypal Tarot Counseling™
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Gaining Archetypal Vision
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Toni Gilbert
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Tarot By ArwenTarot By Arwen
May 17, 2014
Arwen interviews Toni about the upcoming, first ever,
salon at Breitenbush.

Perspectives on Tarot
January, 23 2014
Northwest Astrology & Tarot Salon – Toni Gilbert

Voyager of the Month
March, 2011
James Wanless names Toni Voyager of the Month.

Mapping your Developmental Journey with Tarot and Maslow
Tarot Elements January, 2011
Catherine Chapman asked Toni to write an article using Tarot and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs model and use herself as an example.

Photo Credit: Billie Judy  
Home Office - Temple
Perspective magazine for the Association for Humanistic & Transpersonal Psychology
April, May 2009

Toni briefly describes her past professional path and tells where she is now.

Voyager Connection: Intuition into Action™
December, 2008
James Wanless, PhD selects Toni as the Voyager of the Month.
Interview: Toni Gilbert - Therapeutic Tarot Counseling
Imagery International Newsletter ImagiNews, December 2008

Bev Hollander, BSN, MS, HN-BC interviews Toni about
the use of the imagery on Tarot cards as a therapeutic
tool and how she deals with the difficulty in pioneering
an esoteric tool to the health professions.

Jefferson Nurse at the Forefront
Albany Democrat-Herald, May 19, 2008

Toni has taken the lead in organizing the Oregon Holistic Nurses Association.

Beginnings: official newsletter of the American Holistic Nurses Association (226K PDF)
Vol. 26 No. 2 Spring 2006

Toni briefly discusses her alternative path to an independent practice in nursing.

Alternative & Complementary Therapies Journal: The Official Journal of the Society of Integrative Medicine
December, 2004

Toni is interviewed about how the imagery of Tarot cards can unlock unconscious feelings and encourage healing.

Jefferson Review - Business
Thursday, October 21, 2004

Gilbert Recognized as Holistic Healer

Albany Democrat Herald - Lifestyles:
Sunday Profile

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Toni Gilbert - This registered nurse uses holistic approaches to healing

Keeping and Breaking Tradition:
A Quest for Satisfactory Outcomes in Medical Practice

Alternatives for Creative Culture Magazine

Summer 1998 issue

A board certified internist, Dr. Intile, writes about his insights and experience as Toni's client.

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